Featured Speaker: Roswitha Herman
About Roswitha Herman
*Manifesting Business Coach & Best-Selling Author
Roswitha has studied Power Engineering at University, has blogged about Style & Fashion, volunteered to militate for women’s rights in the engineering field.
She is a puzzle solver. I’ve dedicated the past 6+ years of my life to perfecting the manifesting strategy so that women entrepreneurs can scale their business to unimaginable heights faster and easier than ever before. (yes, without burnout, sacrifice, or applying all the latest marketing strategies.
Her successful coaching career would not have been possible without going to school and studying to be a coach. Yes, intuitively she had all the skills to be a good coach, but becoming a GREAT one needed proper teachers. I do owe the confidence and knowledge to The Institute of Integrative Nutrition, NY .
After working as a certified Health Coach, she found, she very good at telling people what to eat and how to heal their bodies, BUT she was way better at teaching people what success is, how to be successful and how to stay successful in every area of their lives.
Roswitha is the author of best selling book, Young Creative and Overwhelmed and has been featured in Inc. Thrive and Huffington Post Magazines.
As a Success Coach”she focuses all her energy on teaching people what success is, how to be successful and how to stay successful, no matter the economics, politics, or their place on the map.Join our Facebook Group
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Roswitha 's Gift

About Roswitha Herman
*Manifesting Business Coach & Best-Selling Author
Roswitha has studied Power Engineering at University, has blogged about Style & Fashion, volunteered to militate for women’s rights in the engineering field.
She is a puzzle solver. I’ve dedicated the past 6+ years of my life to perfecting the manifesting strategy so that women entrepreneurs can scale their business to unimaginable heights faster and easier than ever before. (yes, without burnout, sacrifice, or applying all the latest marketing strategies.
Her successful coaching career would not have been possible without going to school and studying to be a coach. Yes, intuitively she had all the skills to be a good coach, but becoming a GREAT one needed proper teachers. I do owe the confidence and knowledge to The Institute of Integrative Nutrition, NY .
After working as a certified Health Coach, she found, she very good at telling people what to eat and how to heal their bodies, BUT she was way better at teaching people what success is, how to be successful and how to stay successful in every area of their lives.
Roswitha is the author of best selling book, Young Creative and Overwhelmed and has been featured in Inc. Thrive and Huffington Post Magazines.
As a Success Coach”she focuses all her energy on teaching people what success is, how to be successful and how to stay successful, no matter the economics, politics, or their place on the map.This Interview Goes LIVE In:
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